Hunain12 months ago
Treatment of pancreatitis

Treatment of pancreatitis

Early eating. Old data suggested to stop eating for a couple of days in the hospital in order to give your pancreas a chance to recover. This is no longer practiced. Newer data have suggested that eating as soon as you tolerate food helps heal the pancreas. As the inflammation in your pancreas improves and pain symptoms improve, you should begin drinking clear liquids and eating bland foods. With time, you can go back to your normal diet. If your pancreatitis symptoms persist and you still experience pain when eating, your doctor may recommend a feeding tube to help you get nutrition. Pain medications. Pancreatitis can cause severe pain. Your health care team will give you medications to help control the pain. Intravenous (IV) fluids. As your body devotes energy and fluids to repairing your pancreas, you may become dehydrated. For this reason, you'll receive extra fluids through a vein in your arm during your hospital stay.

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