Iqraover 1 year ago
Symptoms of brain tumor

Symptoms of brain tumor

The signs and symptoms of a brain tumor depend on the brain tumor's size and location. Symptoms also might depend on how fast the brain tumor is growing, which is also called the tumor grade. General signs and symptoms caused by brain tumors may include: Headache or pressure in the head that is worse in the morning. Headaches that happen more often and seem more severe. Headaches that are sometimes described as tension headaches or migraines. Nausea or vomiting. Eye problems, such as blurry vision, seeing double or losing sight on the sides of your vision. Losing feeling or movement in an arm or a leg. Trouble with balance. Speech problems. Feeling very tired. Confusion in everyday matters. Memory problems. Having trouble following simple commands. Personality or behavior changes. Seizures, especially if there is no history of seizures. Hearing problems. Dizziness or a sense that the world is spinning, also called vertigo. Feeling very hungry and gaining weight.

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