Hunainalmost 2 years ago
How are blood clots formed?

How are blood clots formed?

Blood clot symptoms can mimic other health conditions. Doctors use a variety of tests to detect blood clots and/or rule out other causes. If your doctor suspects a blood clot, he or she may recommend: Blood tests can, in some cases, be used to rule out a blood clot. Ultrasound provides a clear view of your veins and blood flow. CT scan of the head, abdomen, or chest, may be used to confirm that you have a blood clot. This imaging test can help rule out other potential causes of your symptoms. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is an imaging test similar to a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. An MRA looks specifically at blood vessels. V/Q scans test circulation of air and blood in the lungs.

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