Hunainover 1 year ago
Treatment for leukoplakia

Treatment for leukoplakia

If the biopsy is positive for cancer and your doctor performed an excisional biopsy that removed the entire leukoplakia patch, you may not need further treatment. If the patch is large, you may be referred to an oral surgeon or ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist for treatment. Hairy leukoplakia If you have hairy leukoplakia, you'll likely be evaluated for conditions that may contribute to a weakened immune system. Treatment Leukoplakia treatment is most successful when a lesion is found and treated early, when it's small. Regular checkups are important, as is routinely inspecting your mouth for areas that don't look normal. For most people, removing the source of irritation ― such as stopping tobacco or alcohol ― clears the condition. When this isn't effective or if the lesions show early signs of cancer, the treatment plan may involve: Removal of leukoplakia patches. Patches may be removed using a scalpel, a laser or an extremely cold probe that freezes and destroys cancer cells (cryoprobe). Follow-up visits to check the area. Once you've had leukoplakia, recurrences are common. Treating hairy leukoplakia Usually, you don't need treatment for hairy leukoplakia. The condition often causes no symptoms and isn't likely to lead to mouth cancer. If your doctor recommends treatment, it may include: Medication. You may take a pill that affects your whole system (systemic medication), such as antiviral medications. These medications can suppress the Epstein-Barr virus, the cause of hairy leukoplakia. Topical treatment may also be used. Follow-up visits. Once you stop treatment, the white patches of hairy leukoplakia may return. Your doctor may recommend regular follow-up visits to monitor changes to your mouth or ongoing therapy to prevent leukoplakia patches from returning.

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