Sandraabout 6 years ago
Sliced my finger with a hedge trimmer

Sliced my finger with a hedge trimmer

I was on a paid gardening job and pulled a twig out of a hedge trimmer that was stuck. It had a small amount of tension in the trimmer and it for one second sliced my finger. I was too busy to go to ED. I am a volunteer ambo and a PCA in ED so I kinda knew how to clean it up and used steri strips, bandaged it up and kept going with the gardening. A few days later I took it all off, cleaned the wound, re steri stripped it, bandaged it up for a week. Took it off and it was healing nicely. I trimmed the nail as it was growing out and within a couple months you couldn’t tell anything had happened. I have feeling in the finger and the nail is good as new.

Top rated comment
about 6 years ago

How to post a pic of the finger today?

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about 6 years ago

Really just sterile strips? That's awesome. My hubby had a similar cut and they stiched it up. Nail too. It was awesome to watch. LOL. Hubby not a fan of medical procedures.

about 6 years ago

Fingertips have a good blood supply and thankfully heal well!😷☺

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