Hunainover 1 year ago
Treatment of hydatid cyst

Treatment of hydatid cyst

How is hydatid disease treated? Treatment for hydatid disease depends on the size and location of the cysts. The most common treatments include: Medication: Small, superficial cysts in one location may respond to antiparasitic drugs called benzimidazoles. Benzimidazoles destroy parasites and shrink cysts. Your healthcare provider may combine medication with aspiration or surgery. PAIR (puncture, aspiration, injection, re-aspiration): The PAIR technique uses a needle or catheter to drain the cyst. A parasite-fighting chemical is injected into the cyst before it’s drained again. Your healthcare provider repeats the process until the cyst is completely emptied. Surgery: Large, deep cysts may need to be removed with surgery. Surgical cyst removal involves removing part or all of the cyst or part of your liver. Surgery risks spilling parasites into your abdominal cavity, so only an experienced healthcare provider should perform the procedure.How is hydatid disease treated? Treatment for hydatid disease depends on the size and location of the cysts. The most common treatments include: Medication: Small, superficial cysts in one location may respond to antiparasitic drugs called benzimidazoles. Benzimidazoles destroy parasites and shrink cysts. Your healthcare provider may combine medication with aspiration or surgery. PAIR (puncture, aspiration, injection, re-aspiration): The PAIR technique uses a needle or catheter to drain the cyst. A parasite-fighting chemical is injected into the cyst before it’s drained again. Your healthcare provider repeats the process until the cyst is completely emptied. Surgery: Large, deep cysts may need to be removed with surgery. Surgical cyst removal involves removing part or all of the cyst or part of your liver. Surgery risks spilling parasites into your abdominal cavity, so only an experienced healthcare provider should perform the procedure.

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