The referenced video gives a thorough account of the Oxygen Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve. The information is presented in an extremely impactful way, making the viewers' concepts concrete. Right and Left Shifts of the Curve have also been made simple. Timeline: 00.00: Introduction 00.15: Passage of Air 00.30: Alveolus 00.52: Gaseous Exchange in the Blood 02.30: Hemoglobin and its Structure 03.24: Deoxyhemoglobin 04.08: Positive Cooperativity and Oxyhemoglobin 04.55: Partial Pressures of Gases in the Blood 06.02: Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve 06.22: Axes Discussion 06.54: Shape of the Curve and Explanation 08.31: Factors and the Curve Shift 11.28: Conclusion