alex chiurchi
alex chiurchiabout 2 years ago
What happens after a cholecystectomy?

What happens after a cholecystectomy?

The gallbladder is an organ in the digestive system responsible for the accumulation and concentration of bile salts produced by the liver. In some cases where the liver produces bile that is too concentrated or the gallbladder itself concentrates too much bile within it, you can go into a pathological condition called BILIARY CALCULOSIS in which removal of this organ is necessary. But what happens next? Bile is a very complex substance that takes a long time to produce, which is why the liver produces it almost all the time and stores it inside the bile to make it always ready for use. Ruggero Oddi, a fifth-year medical student at the University of Perugia in about 1890 observed that in people whose gallbladder had been removed, an alteration of the choledochal duct was manifested to make up for the lack of the organ. The choledoch in such cases increases its diameter and lumen up to 3 times going on to create a kind of "emergency cholecyst" that collects bile in the same way as a healthy, functioning cholecyst would.

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