Dr Abdul Wajid
Dr Abdul Wajidover 1 year ago

Pneumonia Pneumonia is a respiratory infection characterized by inflammation of the alveolar space and/or the interstitial tissue of the lungs. In industrialized nations, it is the leading infectious cause of death. Pneumonia is most commonly transmitted via aspiration of airborne pathogens (primarily bacteria, but also viruses and fungi) but may also result from the aspiration of stomach contents. The most likely causal pathogens can be narrowed down based on patient age, immune status, and where the infection was acquired (community-acquired or hospital-acquired). Pneumonia is classified based on clinical features as either typical and atypical; each type has its own spectrum of commonly associated pathogens. Typical pneumonia manifests with sudden onset of malaise, fever, and a productive cough. On auscultation, crackles and bronchial breath sounds are audible. Atypical pneumonia manifests with gradual onset of unproductive cough, dyspnea, and extrapulmonary manifestations. Auscultation is usually unremarkable. Some patients may present with elements of both types. Diagnostics include blood tests for inflammatory parameters and pathogen detection in blood, urine, or sputum samples. Chest x-ray in cases of typical pneumonia shows opacity restricted to one lobe, while x-ray in atypical pneumonia may show diffuse, often subtle infiltrates. Together with the characteristic clinical features, newly developed pulmonary infiltrate on chest x-ray confirms the diagnosis. Management consists of empiric antibiotic treatment and supportive measures (e.g., oxygen administration, antipyretics). For specific information on the diagnosis and management of pneumonia in pediatric patients, see “Pneumonia in children

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