Isaac Sealyover 1 year ago

So I’m currently in Highschool and I want to pursue a degree in psychiatry. How can I go about preparing for it now?

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over 1 year ago

I would start by reading psychology books and really understand human development. Starting with birth all the way to death to really understand how and when the brain matures as time goes on. I majored in psychology and it was a lot of fun, it would help by watching videos on human development and reading books. By doing your own research, you might find what you want to specialize in and what age group of patients you would want to work with. Hope this helps

over 1 year ago

Noah- that’s excellent advice!

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over 1 year ago

You'll have to go through medical school like every other doctor that specializes in something. I would recommend your undergraduate work be a major in neurology or psychology, and that you be sure to take and get a good grade in the relevant science classes: organic chemistry, physics, and calculus.

over 1 year ago

See if you can do an internship with a psychiatrist in your area. …if I were you I’d buy an MCAT now so when you begin college you can study for all the way through. The MCAT is going to be your biggest hurdle into medical school.

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