Nurse.ali fadel abass
Nurse.ali fadel abassabout 2 years ago
is an infection caused by a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii . the parasite is found throughout the world.  

Infection usually occurs:
1 .after eating meat contaminated with the parasite undercooked.
2 .exposure to the parasite through the feces of a cat carrying it.
3 .transmitted from mother to child  by placenta during pregnancy.                                                 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS 

Most people infected with toxoplasmosis do not have any symptoms. They often don't know they're infected.

Some people have flu-like symptoms, including:

2Swollen lymph nodes that may last for weeks.
4Muscle aches.
5Skin rash

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii . the parasite is found throughout the world. Infection usually occurs: 1 .after eating meat contaminated with the parasite undercooked. 2 .exposure to the parasite through the feces of a cat carrying it. 3 .transmitted from mother to child by placenta during pregnancy. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Most people infected with toxoplasmosis do not have any symptoms. They often don't know they're infected. Some people have flu-like symptoms, including: 1Fever. 2Swollen lymph nodes that may last for weeks. 3Headache. 4Muscle aches. 5Skin rash

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