Iqraover 1 year ago
Symptoms of pancreatic tumor

Symptoms of pancreatic tumor

In the early stages, a tumour in the pancreas doesn't usually cause any symptoms, which can make it difficult to diagnose. It's important to remember that these symptoms can be caused by many different conditions, and aren't usually the result of cancer. But you should contact your GP if you're concerned, or if these symptoms start suddenly. The first noticeable symptoms of pancreatic cancer are often: pain in the back or stomach area – which may come and go at first and is often worse when you lie down or after you've eaten unexpected weight loss jaundice – the most obvious sign is yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes; it also causes your urine to be dark yellow or orange and your stools (faeces) to be pale-coloured Other possible symptoms of pancreatic cancer include: nausea and vomiting bowel changes fever and shivering indigestion blood clots You may also develop symptoms of diabetes if you have pancreatic cancer, because it can produce chemicals that interfere with the normal effect of insulin.

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