Hunainover 2 years ago
Symptoms of syncope

Symptoms of syncope

What are the symptoms of syncope? The most common symptoms of syncope include: Blacking out Feeling lightheaded Falling for no reason Feeling dizzy Feeling drowsy or groggy Fainting, especially after eating or exercising Feeling unsteady or weak when standing Changes in vision, such as seeing spots or having tunnel vision Headaches Many times, patients feel an episode of syncope coming on. They have what are called “premonitory symptoms,” such as feeling lightheaded, nauseous, and heart palpitations (irregular heartbeats that feel like “fluttering” in the chest). If you have syncope, you will likely be able to keep from fainting if you sit or lie down and put your legs up if you feel these symptoms. Syncope can be a sign of a more serious condition. So, it is important to get treatment right away after you have an episode of syncope. Most patients can prevent problems with syncope once they get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatmen

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