Iqraover 2 years ago
Inherrited heart conditions

Inherrited heart conditions

An inherited heart disease is one which has been passed on through your parents’ genes. Inherited cardiac conditions (ICC) is an umbrella term covering a wide variety of relatively rare diseases of the heart. They are also referred to as genetic cardiac conditions. ICCs are caused by a fault - also known as a mutation - in one or more of our genes. If someone has a faulty gene, there’s a 50/50 chance it can be passed on to your children. The effects of these conditions on you and your family can be enormous. These conditions can - in some cases - become life-threatening. Around 500 young people die every year in the UK as a result of a genetic heart disorder. These conditions do not always have symptoms, so you can be unaware you have the conditions. Sadly, this can sometimes mean that the first time a family is aware of being affected is after a sudden cardiac death (SCD). However, great improvements are being made in the detection of ICCs and also how you can live with your condition. There are effective treatments which allow you to lead a normal life.

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