Hunainover 2 years ago


The most common causes of dizziness are outlined below. Labyrinthitis – an inner ear infection that affects your hearing and balance, and can lead to a severe form of dizziness called vertigo. Migraine – dizziness may come on before or after the headache, or even without the headache. Stress or anxiety – particularly if you tend to hyperventilate (breathe abnormally quickly when resting). Low blood sugar level (hypoglycaemia) – which is usually seen in people with diabetes. Postural hypotension – a sudden fall in blood pressure when you suddenly sit or stand up, which goes away after lying down. This is more common in older people. Dehydration or heat exhaustion – dehydration could be due to not drinking enough during exercise, or illness that causes vomiting, diarrhoea or fever. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency – decreased blood flow in the back of the brain, which may be caused by the blood vessels that lead to the brain from the heart being blocked (known as atherosclerosis).

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