Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatover 2 years ago
Little Embryo in Amniotic Sac

Little Embryo in Amniotic Sac

The smallest little embryo with its amniotic sac! How many weeks old is it in your opinion? This is a case of a miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion), which is the spontaneous loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy, or in this case even before the 12th week. Keep in mind that miscarriage is a naturally occurring event due to some complications and has nothing to do with medical or surgical abortions, or any interruption of the pregnancy! The common reasons pregnancies miscarry are chromosome problems, abnormal physical development or an abnormal placental development. Other causes can be infections, uterine problems, diseases of the mother (diabetes, lupus, thyroid disease), trauma, and unhealthy lifestyle (obesity, drug and alcohol use). The photo shows the embryo still with its intact amniotic sac and umbilical cord. The tiny black dot is the developing eye, and the reddish tissue in the center is the heart.

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