Aanya Waghrayabout 2 years ago

What methods can be used to prevent dysesthesia during lumbar puncture (LP)?

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about 2 years ago

Dysesthesia means abnormal feeling and it is a generic term for a cutaneous symptoms such as burning, stinging, tickling, pruritus, tingling, anesthesia, crawling, hypoesthesia, cold sensation, or even pain without a primary cutaneous condition in a well-defined location that is often caused by irritation, nerve trauma or impingement. Lower extremity dysesthesia can occur due to irritation of nerves or nerve roots by the spinal needle can cause different lower-extremity dysesthesias. Aspiration of a nerve or arachnoid tissue into the epidural space can occur if the needle is removed without the stylet being replaced. Always replace the stylet before changing the needle to avoid this problem.

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