What are the situations that could lead someone to consider suicide?
Role loss Situational crisis Loss of loved one Extreme guilt Lack of pleasure in life
Risk Factors for Committing Suicide There is long list of all possible risk factors for committing suicide. • History of suicide attempt • Mental health condition, such as depression and mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders. • Terminal illness • Feelings of hopelessness and despair • Financial or legal crisis • Violent and impulsive behavior • Alcoholic or addiction to drugs • Access to self-harm methods • History of physical, emotional or sexual abuse • Loss of relationships e.g. death, divorce • Family history of suicide • Social isolation and lack of support • Stigma of mental health conditions • Lack of access to healthcare services, especially mental health and substance abuse treatment • Increase awareness about increased number of local suicides or an increase in media coverage of deaths by suicide