I am 34 GP working at primary hospital in Ethiopia.A week back,I have my BP checked more than 6 times and was 140/100 in both my arms.I am overweight with BMI 27.3kg/m2 with profound central obesity.but I didn't measure my WC.I do not smoke,drink alcohol,or use any substance.I have no DM,HTN or family hx of such diseases.I often use PCM,NSAIDs and tramadol for my chronic pain of my head and abdominal cramp almost more than a decade.Otherwise,my other hx and P/E are insignificant. What do you suggest me? Shall I start anti hypertensives or go for life style modifications? I am too worried.Please help me...
First check your renal veins and Na/K, Cortisol, TSH, aldosteron and metanephryn for elimanate the secondary hypertension. Start with Lifestyle change Try to loose 10% of weight in 2 months 2 months later check your bp, if it persists; start to take pills