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over 2 years ago

Ulcerative colitis is a condition which comes under the name of inflammatory bowel diseases. Minor ones include: microscopic colitis, diverticulosis associated colitis, lymphocytic colitis and Behcet disease. Ulcerative colitis involves mucosa and muscularis mucosa of gut tissue only. It is limited to colon only and develops from rectum to backwards. It produces continuous lesions and can be seen on x-ray as lead pipe sign due to loss of haustra. It also presents as blood in diarrhea, abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, fever, and weight loss. Ulcerative colitis is divided into types according to the lesion location: acute severe UC entire colon involved), left sided colitis (descending colon involved), pan colitis (persistent diarrhea and whole colon involved), proctosigmoiditis (colon and rectum involved) and ulcerative proctitis (rectum involved).Smoking is weirdly preventive from ulcerative colitis. Treatment includes: steroids, antibiotics, azathioprine, amino salicylates and 6- MP. UC mostly requires surgical intervention as it leads to cure. Complication of the condition include: cancer, perforation, liver disease, anemia and osteoporosis.

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