buonomoover 2 years ago

What are spider veins?

Top rated comment
over 2 years ago

In many individuals, varicose veins are a matter of appearance whereas in many others it causes immense pain and discomfort. Varicose veins, also called spider veins, are common in legs because of the pressure exerted on veins when standing or walking continuously. The causes of varicose veins are - Weak valves in veins - Age - Sex i.e. females - Obesity - Continuously walking or standing - Genetic influence - Pregnancy The symptoms of varicose veins are - Bulging and twisting cord-like veins - Purple or blue-colored veins - Fatigue in legs - Muscle cramps - Burning sensation - Itching The treatment of varicose veins includes - Surgical care - Laser treatment - Ambulatory phlebectomy

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