AshleyCooperover 3 years ago
Skin Grafting Regeneration - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Skin Grafting Regeneration - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes artificial / commercial skin grafting regeneration. Skin grafts are used to cover soft tissue defects. A piece of skin is taken from the patient and applied to the defect. Sometimes utilizing the patient's own skin for grafting is not possible. Occasionally the patient refuses to have their own skin harvested for grafting. The patient may have chronic wounds that are resistant to treatment. With resistance to treatment, a skin graft alone will not work. Commercially available, medically manufactured skin graft substitutes can be used. The material stimulates the cells to grow and make skin and healthy tissue. The material is scraped from a pig’s bladder and the tissue is dried to produce an extracellular matrix which contains growth factors. The final product is in the form of powder (Dust) or in the form of a sheet. Growth factors within the material will attract and mobilize stem cells that help in regeneration of the injured or deficient tissue. The stem cells have the ability to multiply, divide and differentiate into the necessary cells. These cells can develop into regenerated skin, blood vessels, muscles or ligaments. Acell Matristem has been proven to be successful in regeneration of severed fingers. Become a friend on facebook: Follow me on twitter:!/DrEbraheim_UTMC

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