Gopal Karlekarabout 3 years ago

What are the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of Keratosis Pilaris?

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about 3 years ago

Keratosis Pilaris, or Chicken Skin, is a harmless dermatological condition. This type of skin is considered a variant of the already existing normal skin. It is not associated with any infection or complication. The cause of this condition is the idiopathic buildup of keratin. Normally, keratin functions to protect the skin against infections and injurious substances. Accumulation of keratin., mainly due to genetic influence, produces Keratosis Pilaris. The symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris are - Tiny bumps on skin - Painless raised bumps - Bumps similar to sandpaper pattern - Slight change in skin tone depending upon the original complexion - Dry skin - Seasonal dryness worsens the condition The treatment of Keratosis Pilaris are - Topical exfoliants to remove dead cells - Topical retinoids to prevent plugging of follicles You can prevent Keratosis Pilaris by - Limiting exposure to water - Not scratching or rubbing skin - Frequently using moisturizers - Using fat-containing soaps - Using warm water for bath (not hot)

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