Hiba Saleem
Hiba Saleemover 1 year ago
Diagnostic Criteria for HNPCC

Diagnostic Criteria for HNPCC

The modified Amsterdam - II diagnostic criteria is useful for aiding in the diagnosis of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer or HNPCC. It is as follows: • ≥ 3 relatives with colorectal cancer or with an HNPCC associated cancer (endometrial carcinoma, small bowel adenocarcinoma, ureter or renal pelvis cancer) and at least 1 of these cases should be in a first degree relative. • ≥ 2 successive generations should be affected with colorectal cancer. • At least 1 member affected is under 50 years of age. • FAP should be excluded. • Tumors must be verified by pathological examination.

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