How can a person's ability to make a decision evaluated?
Mental Capacity act is a legal framework created to protect a person who's unable to make his own decisions. According to the section 2 and 3 of this act, the person's capability to make decisions can be assessed by following two-stage test of capacity: STAGE 1 Can a person make a decision for himself? A person is said to lack the capability of decision making if he's unable to make a decision for himself because of any impairment in the functioning of mind due to any illness or any external factors. STAGE 2 A person is said to be unable to make a decision if he/she is unable to do any one of the following things: -Appreciate the information relevant to decision making -Remember the information for an adequate period to make a decision -Use the information in process making -To effectively communicate the decision verbally or by any other method. Judgement about person's decision making should not be based on age, physical appearance, behaviour or any disorder from which he suffers.