Mishal Shan
Mishal Shanalmost 3 years ago
Gunstock deformity

Gunstock deformity

Cubitus varus or gunstock deformity of the elbow is often seen as a complication of supracondylar humeral fracture. It results from malunion secondary to collapse of the medial column. The functional impairment is relatively little except for a few cases where it may lead to ulnar nerve compression. If significant, it may be corrected surgically via osteotomy and fixation.

Top rated comment
almost 3 years ago

Thank you Mishal.👌🏻 I heard only this much about this condition and I’m the patient itself. Did you tell us more about how is this corrective osteotomy performed!? I mean how they modified &/ cut the bone 🦴? Did you know some instrument name? Is there any future complications after the surgery? Happy to hear you. 🙏🏻

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