Hiba Saleem
Hiba Saleem7 months ago


Onychogryphosis is a nail disorder that affects the growth of the nail plate. The nail undergoes thickening, elongation and increased curvature and has an unusual yellow-brown, opaque appearance resembling a ram's horn. It's exact etiology is not known but it has been associated with repetitive trauma to the toenails, peripheral arterial disease, psoriasis and bunions. Usually, it is seen in older individuals and people with poor personal care. Onychogryphosis must be treated as it can cause multiple complications like paronychia, ingrown toe nail, fungal infection of the nail and rarely subungual gangrene. The condition can be treated by removing the underlying cause and then going for conservative treatment like cryotherapy followed by mechanical debridement using a nail clipper. If this does not work then the patient requires nail avulsion either through scalpel excision, chemical cautery or electrosurgery.

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