Nurse.ali fadel abass
Nurse.ali fadel abassalmost 4 years ago
What Is Takayasu's Arteritis?

Takayasu's arteritis is an uncommon condition in which inflammation damages large and medium-sized arteries. The arteries most commonly affected are the branches of the aorta (the main blood vessel that leaves the heart), including the blood vessels that supply blood to the arms and travel through the neck to provide blood to the brain. The aorta itself is also often affected.

Less commonly, arteries that provide blood to the heart, intestines, kidneys, and legs may be involved..

What Is Takayasu's Arteritis? Takayasu's arteritis is an uncommon condition in which inflammation damages large and medium-sized arteries. The arteries most commonly affected are the branches of the aorta (the main blood vessel that leaves the heart), including the blood vessels that supply blood to the arms and travel through the neck to provide blood to the brain. The aorta itself is also often affected. Less commonly, arteries that provide blood to the heart, intestines, kidneys, and legs may be involved..

Top rated comment
almost 4 years ago

Most commonly seen in Japanese people.

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