Haneea Yasir
Haneea Yasiralmost 3 years ago


Pellagra is caused by the deficiency of Niacin aka Vitamin B3 or typtophan. Pellagra can be fatal if left untreated. Symptoms: - Dementia: apathy, confusion, headaches, restlessness, anxiety, delusions - Dermatitis: red flaky skin, itchy and burning patches - Diarrhea - Sore lips and tongue - Nausea and vomiting Occurs due to: - Gastrointestinal diseases - Weight loss surgeries - Excessive alcohol consumption - Anorexia - Carcinoid symptoms - Medications like anticonvulsants Treatment: - niacine or nicotinamide supplements Primary pellagra can be treated by niacin supplements however the underlying disease should be treated to to treat secondary pellagra.

Top rated comment
almost 3 years ago

Pellagra is 3 Ds: Dementia Dermatitis Diarrhea

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