Bhavesh Gahlot
Bhavesh Gahlotover 1 year ago
Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness ♻️Motion sickness is triggered by excessive stimulation of the vestibular system or conflicts among proprioceptive, visual, and vestibular sensory inputs. ♻️The diagnosis, based on clinical findings, is usually straightforward. ♻️Drug therapy is more effective prophylactically and usually involves scopolamine or an antihistamine. ♻️Once vomiting is established, serotonin antagonist antiemetics are preferred. ♻️To minimize motion sickness, it is recommended that people seek the position in the vehicle least subject to motion, sleep when possible, obtain adequate ventilation, and avoid alcohol and unnecessary food and drink. . . . . #medical #medicine #doctor #health #healthcare #hospital #nurse #covid #doctors #neet #medicalstudent #surgery #mbbs #medstudent #medschool #science #pharmacy #medico #medicalschool #coronavirus #anatomy #surgeon #biology #nursing #love #medlife #bhfyp #med #education #bhfyp

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