Ramsha Zaheer
Ramsha Zaheer4 months ago
Hepatic Adenoma

Hepatic Adenoma

Hepatic adenoma is a benign liver tumor, most commonly seen in young women (15 to 40 years of age). Risk factors include; oral contraceptive use, female sex, and use of anabolic steroids. Patients are usually asymptomatic but may present with right upper quadrant pain. It is mostly discovered as an incidental finding on abdominal imaging studies. Its malignant potential is very low i.e. less than 1%. However, the adenoma may rupture, leading to hemoperitoneum and hemorrhage. Diagnosis is made by CT scan, ultrasound, or hepatic angiography. Treatment options include discontinuation of oral contraceptives and surgical resection of the tumors which are greater than 5 cm.

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