Hiba Saleem
Hiba Saleemalmost 3 years ago
Verruca Plantaris aka Plantar Warts

Verruca Plantaris aka Plantar Warts

Verruca plantaris or plantar warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (usually HPV-1 or 2). The virus enters the body through breaks or cuts on the plantar surface of the foot. They usually occur at pressure points and so the common sites include the forefoot, base of the toes and the heel. The lesion has a fleshy, rough grainy appearance and there is a yellowish hyperkeratotic callus where the wart has grown inward. The patient may rarely experience pain or tenderness while standing or walking. Mostly, plantar warts are self-limiting and cause no harm to the patient. Hence, no treatment is required but if the wart is painful or spreading then certain measures can be taken to remove the warts such as cryotherapy.

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