Hiba Saleem
Hiba Saleemalmost 4 years ago
Assessing the risk of stroke in a patient after TIA

Assessing the risk of stroke in a patient after TIA

Transient ischemic attack is characterized by sudden onset focal neurological deficit due to cerebral ischemia. The symptoms resolve within 24 hours with no stroke on imaging. However, certain individuals may have a higher chance of suffering from a stroke 48 hours after a TIA. In order to asses that risk we have to look at the total ABCD2 score: Score of 0 - 3 ~ Low risk Score of 4 - 5 ~ Moderate risk Score of 6 - 7 ~ High risk

Top rated comment
almost 4 years ago

You add mark for diabetes as can debates patients risk factor for stroke? Can u explain please

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