Hiba Iqbal
Hiba Iqbalalmost 4 years ago


A 26 year old male presented with history of intermittent fever and fatigue for past two days associated with rigors and chills. He recently had been to rural areas of Sindh. Most probable diagnosis for this case is Malaria because Pakistan is considered among Malaria endemic countries by WHO especially rural areas. Around 60% of our population is living in high risk areas and most of them are flood infected rural regions. Among age group 1-20 and by gender males are most affected in Pakistan. Malaria is caused by species called Plasmodium and it has 4 variants Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium knowlesi. Diagnosis for Malaria is based on microscopic visualisation of Giemsa stained parasites in blood smear. Other test like CBC, serology and baseline tests can also help rule out other causes of infection and identification of the disease.

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