Tahminaover 1 year ago


Fasting is one of the oldest therapies in medicine. Many renowned physicians throughout history and many of the oldest healing systems have recommended fasting as an integral method of healing and prevention. Hippocrates believed that fasting enabled the body to heal itself. Fasting is a part of most spiritual traditions in the world, including Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. Many of history’s great spiritual leaders fasted for mental and spiritual clarity, including Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed. In one of the more well-known political acts of the last century, the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi fasted for 21 days to promote peace. It has been scientifically proven that fasting can have many benefits! here are some; - Boost cognitive performance; cognitive function, learning, memory, and alertness are all increased by fasting - More protection against obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases - Reduce inflammation; In a study published in Cell, Mount Sinai researchers found that fasting reduces inflammation and improves chronic inflammatory diseases without affecting the immune system's response to acute infections - (Intermittent fasting) supports weight loss; 4- and 6-h TRF (Time-Restricted Feeding) induce mild reductions in body weight over 8 weeks and show promise as interventions for weight loss. These diets may also improve some aspects of cardiometabolic health. (source: Cell Metabolism) - Decrease the risk of metabolic diseases - Benefit cancer patients — A recent study with mice and cancer showed that fasting during chemotherapy jump-starts the immune system and exposes the cancer cells. Ridding the body of old, toxic cells and replacing with new, healthy ones may be just the answer. Traditionally, cancer patients have been told to increase nutrients and caloric intake while undergoing chemotherapy treatments but this approach might now be under review. + Fasting and calorie restriction (CR) can slow and even stop the progression of cancer, kill cancer cells, boost the immune system, and significantly improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. ( If you have no experience with fasting, please consult a doctor or do research first!

Top rated comment
over 1 year ago

Very nice & thank you for sharing❤️

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