Hibaover 3 years ago
Coffin birth

Coffin birth

What do you know about coffin birth? I personally haven't seen anything like this before, and it was never mentioned during my medical career, however while i was reading about OBGYN, i stopped at an article on coffin birth, i was excited to know more about this topic. Coffin birth is a postmortem fetal extrusion, through the vaginal opening of a deceased woman. Few days after the death when the body starts to decompose, by the fact on no more oxygen circulating in the body, anaerobic bacteria starts to proliferate more and more and to secrete several exoenzymes, to break the tissues. Due to these factors, the body tissue starts to necrotizing which will lead to the break of the amniotic membranes, eversion and prolapse of the uterus and finally expulsion of the dead fetus.

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