Dr. Musa Rizvi
Dr. Musa Rizviabout 3 years ago

What is a difference between a thrombus and an embolus ? What common drug is prescribed as a blood thinner ?

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about 3 years ago

Thrombus- an insoluble solid mass composed of the constituents of blood such as fibrin, WBC, RBC. Embolus- an insoluble solid, liquid or mass that travels in the circulation and can occlude microcirculation. The medication commonly used a blood thinner: aspirin, warfarin

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about 3 years ago

Waiting for good answer😄

about 3 years ago

A thrombus consists of blood cells, an embolus - everything but blood cells: fat particles, gas, bacterial clots, pus etc.

about 3 years ago

Thrombus is a solid mass which is stuck in the endothelial blood vessel, it is attached there. Therefore, embolus is literally thrombus but it can be detached from the vessel for some reason, like very high blood pressure, it can circulate in the veins (very often) and can get stuck in the artery of a lung, in that case, this can cause thromboembolism and a man can die.

about 3 years ago


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