ohyesmedicalmost 7 years ago
Pedigree Chart

Pedigree Chart

(see more on : Determining Autosomal Inheritance = Dominant and recessive disease conditions may be identified only if certain patterns occur (otherwise it cannot be confirmed) Autosomal Dominan = If both parents are affected and an offspring is unaffected, the trait must be dominant (parents are both heterozygous). All affected individuals must have at least one affected parent If both parents are unaffected, all offspring must be unaffected (homozygous recessive) Autosomal Recessive = If both parents are unaffected and an offspring is affected, the trait must be recessive (parents are heterozygous carriers). If both parents show a trait, all offspring must also exhibit the trait (homozygous recessive) Determining X-Linked Inheritance = It is not possible to confirm sex linkage from pedigree charts, as autosomal traits could potentially generate the same results However certain trends can be used to confirm that a trait is not X-linked dominant or recessive X-linked Dominant = If a male shows a trait, so too must all daughters as well as his mother. An unaffected mother cannot have affected sons (or an affected father). X-linked dominant traits tend to be more common in females (this is not sufficient evidence though) X-linked Recessive = If a female shows a trait, so too must all sons as well as her father An unaffected mother can have affected sons if she is a carrier (heterozygous) X-linked recessive traits tend to be more common in males (this is not sufficient evidence though)

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