Emilyover 6 years ago

Why should there be no politics in medicine and why do you think more nurses should be in politics? (not me I never want to be in politics or the spotlight; I am happy to be a nurse) : most creative answer gets a funny meme made that will probably only make sense to me And I am not posting it here ;)

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The medical community especially physician should have started many years ago policing themselves to avoid the atrocities of lack of medical care now they should have been able to eliminate these multimillion-dollar lawsuits they should be able to practice medicine within a reasonable boundary two Physicians that go to the same medical school but live in two parts of a city can charge completely different amounts because of where they're located and the type of clientele I think all Physicians should be able to practice medicine to make decent money but Physicians that go a lower route to help needy and lower-income people should not be penalized by the government funding money they make in private practice and still have to pay the same amount of malpractice as the guy in the upscale part of town politics did not belong in medicine but physician should create a medical community that would help Monitor and The Advocates through insurance companies as well as

over 6 years ago

beatifuly said!

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over 6 years ago

well a little disappointed no one commented but that's okay; we all have long days and some are new to the app and shy and if you are like me, you are on this app to learn; if you want to laugh: go have fun with family or friends or coworkers.

over 6 years ago

Well ,in my opinion the medical field is should be completely independent and no one has control of it because the politicians use their power to make medical decisions depending on their opinions like they decide to discharge a patient because he doesn’t have enough money.for why should be more nurses in politics it will be nice I think everyone have the ability to be successful politician despite of his job this will be awesome (I don’t talk in politic usually so sorry if u meant other thing 😅)

over 6 years ago

Thank you 😍this is so nice ❤️and congratulations for ur new place in advance 💞

over 6 years ago

actually it was THE perfect answer and you answered first!!!! so remind me sometime after I am done moving and I will make an awesome meme for you!

over 6 years ago

discussion closed and meme won and will post it here when I have time!

over 6 years ago

Thank you again u r awesome 🤩

over 6 years ago

alrighty I posted it! and.... only time I am doing this again ;) happy day #fmergrish with respect #mcnurse4444

over 6 years ago

Thank you I don’t have Instagram but I will see from my friend account ty to do this in ur busy schedule ❤️

over 6 years ago

wait I meant to say I will NOT be doing this again!

over 6 years ago

These topics are really interesting post like these things and if u don’t want to do memes it’s ok 😁

over 6 years ago

Emily thank you very much ❤️appreciate it and I hope ur ankle will be better soon 💞ur birthday was yesterday?if it is happy birthday wish all the best u deserve a happy year hopefully all ur dreams come true 🌹🌹and if it’s not keep it until ur birthday 🎂.

over 6 years ago

He is great writer 👍.U too Emily

over 6 years ago

well He is one of my all time favorite authors! and it made me giggle! have a great day F.M.Egrish

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