Mishal Shan
Mishal Shanover 3 years ago
UV rays don't spare the eye- Pterygium vs Pinguecula

UV rays don't spare the eye- Pterygium vs Pinguecula

Exposure to UV rays of the sun along with dry dusty climates can lead to conjunctival overgrowths. They include pterygium (left) and pinguecula (right). Pterygium is a fleshy, pinkish mass which grows and encroaches on the cornea. In severe cases, it may affect vision. However, pinguecula is a yellow round growth which rarely interferes with vision. Both can be excised surgically. Yet, they can be prevented in the first place by avoiding excess UV exposure and using sunglasses. Image credits:

Top rated comment
over 3 years ago

I have a pinguecula and live in a very dry, dusty climate. Hardly any rain. Severe summers.

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