Woseabout 4 years ago

Hello! I'm an incoming college student and will take BS Medical Technology. I'm actually having a hard time to retain information for a long time. When I study and took a test at the same day I can ace it but when you asked me about that particular topic I once aced, I can't remember anything. In other words, I think I'm somehow forgetful abt my lessons. I'm not that forgetful when it comes to other things. I know I need to change myself if I want my education to be effective, especially now that I'm taking my pre-med course. Do you have some advice or techniques for me? It will be a huge help considering that I may use it till I graduated at Med School. Thank you so much.

Top rated comment
about 4 years ago

In order to get a long-term memory you should: 1)Your output should be more than you input (test and action > learning) 2) Active recall is an important way of learning search for it 3) space repetition: or brain should review any subject for example (day after learning, the 3 days later, then 2 weeks later) 4) solve the questions related to this subject( test your self) if there is no question put your self a question

about 4 years ago

thank you so much for this, God bless you! ☺

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about 4 years ago

If you want more details, read "make it stick" its very important yhat change your learning process and based om evidences

about 4 years ago

thank you again, God bless!

about 4 years ago

Anki is an amazing way to practice spaced repetition and build long term memory. Worked wonders for me in anatomy, physio, and biochem

about 4 years ago

Yes, it's an app for your phone, tablet and mac/computer. You make your own flashcards or download decks others made. Look up med school insiders on youtube, he has a great video series on how to use them efficiently

about 4 years ago

I didn't know how to use it can you help me!?

about 4 years ago

Completely agree with everyone. What you experience now is not something wrong with you but just how the mind works; it responds best to spaced repetition (for straight memorization-heavy subjects) and review (for subjects that have mechanisms that make sense). Also for the mechanism-type course, the more you can spend time on making sense of how things work while being amazed at the "aha moments" and why all the details relate, the less you will forget when you see it again.

about 4 years ago

thanks a lot. God bless you! ☺

about 4 years ago

Ali was totally correct. Do read "Make it Stick". Look for mnemonics and test yourself frequently. Another method is to learn it and then teach it, even if it is your dog or cat. When you know it well enough to teach it, then you really understand it and aren't just memorizing meaningless information.

about 4 years ago

okay, noted! thank you so much! 💛

about 4 years ago

I totally agree with Mr Ali but in medical study I've suffered too.. to cope this I have tried to learn through images, charts and using whiteboard... this technique is much helpful and effective, directly store in LTM.

about 4 years ago

Avoid some certain friends and map your goals. If you have so many things going with your life it’s hard to focus.

about 4 years ago

Hi Wose, it sounds very familiar. I have the same thing. I don't have a solution for it yet. Just wanted you to know you're not alone. For me it's the quantity of information I need to know for every test. When the test is done I need to race to the next one, not having time to repeat any previous information. I'm getting the impression that medical studies are very hard..... Take care, your doing good, you're not alone!

about 4 years ago

Exactly! Rather frequently I think I will never make it and then the next day manage to think to keep fighting.

about 4 years ago

Hello! Thank you for this, I really appreciated it. Let's just keep fighting and pursue our dreams no matter how hard it is. ✊

about 4 years ago

It is very common in medicine , medicine is very volatile you have to revise the topics no matter if you’re a student or a professor. Even professors have to turn the pages before teaching. Its completely normal because medicine is very vast and very volatile so just revise the topics frequently

about 4 years ago

thank you so much for this! 🥺

about 4 years ago

Hi wose Don’t need to worry about that forgetfulness is something physiological try to study with full concentration and also go for smart study make sure that you take a break during your study time when can’t concentrate fully make a schedule for your study best time is early in the morning that time Mind work upto the mark but make sure you have rested for at least 8 hours.

about 4 years ago


about 4 years ago

thank you for this, take care!

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