Loujain Hekmat Ahmad
Loujain Hekmat Ahmad about 4 years ago
Hutchinson's Teeth

Hutchinson's Teeth

Hutchinson's triad is one of the symptoms of Congenital syphilis. It is a set of symptoms consisting of deafness, Hutchinson's teeth (centrally notched, widely spaced peg-shaped upper central incisors), and interstitial keratitis (IK), an inflammation of the cornea which can lead to corneal scarring and potentially blindness..

Top rated comment
about 4 years ago

Screw shaped or cresent moon shaped teeth associate with syphilus .

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about 4 years ago

Hutchinson's triad: 1)Hutchinson's teeth 2)Parenchymatous keratitis 3)labyrinth deafness

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