Medicogramalmost 5 years ago

This is a case reported by The NY Times of a young female in her 20s contracted COVID in its most severe form. The severe cytokine storm basically obliterated her lungs requiring ECMO. Her only chance for survival was a double lung transplant which they did do at Northwestern. If you see the lung on the right (patients lung that was removed) , the whole thing is inflamed, scarred, and just yucky. Nothing like the one on the left which is soft, smooth, and able to aerate like a balloon. Per the transplant surgeon Dr. Ankit Bharat, this was "the sickest patient whom he had ever given a transplant." Because of all the inflammation, the lungs were "completely plastered to tissue around them, the heart, the chest wall and diaphragm." This was the first case of irreversible COVID damage that was salvaged by a lung transplant in the USA. Given her young age and healthy status otherwise it was worth the effort. Let's hope she recovers. This may not be an option for most patients, but perhaps it could save a few young healthy ones who were at the right place who would otherwise die if no options remained. So just in case anyone still thinks COVID is just the flu....It ain't. 📷: @yourheartdoc #covid19 #coronavirus #lungs #staysafe #stayhealthy #medicogram

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almost 5 years ago

Their are many types of respiratory upper and lower lungs not all due too smoking some have too do with how you handle certain colds like flu or bronchitis and bronchial pneumonia also asthma allergins and different types of jobs that has too do with wearings masks

almost 5 years ago

Also looks like a smokers lungs with the brownish-black indurations inferiorly. And the superior part looks like caseating necrosis 😷

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