Dr. AG
Dr. AG almost 7 years ago

Pediculosis - Pediculus Capitis, Pediculus Corporis And Phthirus pubis. Live on host blood. Responsible for louse borne relapsing fever, louse borne typhus and viral encephalitis. P. Capitis - Commonest and transmitted by close contact, mostly in children and women. Early Manifestation is scalp pruritis and in advanced stage is pruritis and boils in scalp or glands in the neck. Nits ( Eggs ) are always detectable even if lice are not seen. Posterior Cervical Lymphadenopathy is a common presentation. Treatment - Gamma Benzene Hexachloride ( 1 % ) , Malathion ( 0.5 % ) , Permethrin ( 2 % ) are very effective. Use of kerosene to kill Nits. Use of shampoo to clean scalp. Anti-Histamines to relieve pruritis. Topical Anti-Bacterial Agents for bacterial infection and cervical lymphadenopathy. Anything Important To Add ?

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