Hamid Azizialmost 5 years ago
What is your diagnose ? Man age 77 year no diabetic, no HTN , not diagnosed .

What is your diagnose ? Man age 77 year no diabetic, no HTN , not diagnosed .

Top rated comment
almost 5 years ago

it might be a case of "burn wound cellulitis" usually occurs in the uninjured part of body near the burn wound or it may spread to any other part distal to the actual location of injury

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almost 5 years ago


almost 5 years ago

Wy cellulitis can you say me cause

almost 5 years ago

Sometimes traumatization or bites can cause it

almost 5 years ago


almost 5 years ago

You're welcome

almost 5 years ago

Cutaneous cellulitis ?cause

almost 5 years ago

Thanks form all

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