Medicalfactsalmost 3 years ago
Type of Cholesterol.

Type of Cholesterol.

Cholesterol are mainly two types.One is good that we called it HDL thats help in remove fat from heart and secone is bad cholesterol thats we cled it LDL thats causing blockage in heart and increase the fat in heart.LDL cholesterol mainly found from animal like meat,fish,egg and animal food or also a found in animal milk because milk produce from animals. Now discuss about HDL cholesterol thats never found from outer source like diet and any edible food because it synthesis from in our body by the help of excercise.When we work hardly or walking and doing excercise then HDL cholesterol are synthesis and help to protect heart from blocage thats we called CAD (Coronory Artery Disease) ##Subscribe me on youtube "medicalfacts" to get medical updates and health tips @medicalfacts

Top rated comment
almost 3 years ago

Why the LDL can be deposit in blood vessels but the TG can't deposit ?

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