Megha prakash
Megha prakash almost 7 years ago
Atlas and axis rotation

Atlas and axis rotation

Atlas and axis articulation fig shows how they help to rotate/movement of our head ##

Top rated comment
almost 7 years ago

No yo too right

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almost 7 years ago

Atlas-axis movement is also called as " NO MOVEMENT- BCZ TO ROTATE THE HEAD SIDE TO SIDE SYMBOLIZING NO "

almost 7 years ago

Am i wrong ?

almost 7 years ago

The atlas (C1) and axis (C2) are two of the most important vertebrae in the spine. Without them, head and neck movement would be impossible.The atlas and axis vertebrae are the two most superior bones in the vertebral column. They are part of the seven cervical vertebrae. The atlas is the top-most bone, sitting just below the skull; it is followed by the axis. Together they support the skull facilitate neck movement and protect the spinal cord.

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