Deepakabout 2 years ago

TUBERCULOSIS *World's most dangerous airborne disease even from the ancient times *The bone samples of ancient people shows the presence of mycobacterium tuberculosis *The worst thing about tuberculosis is that diagnosis of tb is difficult in 90%cases *It's effects will be seen on people with weak IMMUNE system *It is an airborne disease *It first goes to the lungs ⬇️ *Immediately macrophages surround and engulf them ⬇️ *If immune system is weak,they will multiply ⬇️ *The bacteria will affect the lung tissue,so there will be difficult to exchange oxygen, breathing difficulty occurs ⬇️ *Chest pain will be there,then bacteria spread to skeletal system,brain, intestine, kidney causing pain there ⬇️ *Finally it will lead to death IN TB THERE IS CASEATING GRANULOMA (NECROSIS IN CENTRE) TREATMENT: Vaccines have been discovered for bacteria BCG(Bacillus calmette geurin) *Medication should be followed for upto 9 months,the patient may loss hope and stop medication,so the bacteria will develop resistance SO PROPER MANAGEMENT SHOULD BE THERE

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