Dr. Fatemeh Kourkinejad
Dr. Fatemeh Kourkinejadover 4 years ago
New Kids' Guidelines: Drink Milk, Water, Avoid Plant-Based 'Milk'

New Kids' Guidelines: Drink Milk, Water, Avoid Plant-Based 'Milk'

A new campaign, "Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids," addresses the importance of healthful drink choices for children under age 5, enforcing the standards of drinking breast milk and formula, milk, and water, while limiting juice and avoiding most plant-based/non-dairy "milks." The brainchild of a panel of experts representing four organizations — the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Heart Association — the recommendations advise drinking mostly milk and water, with limited juices and avoidance of most plant-based "milks."

Top rated comment
over 4 years ago

I see no wisdom in consuming the milk from a different species.

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