Dr. George
Dr. George over 6 years ago
In the given picture, diagnose patients based on their dermatologic presentations.
 1) Transient neonatal pustular melanosis
 2) Erythema toxicum neonatorum
 3) Neonatal lupus erythematosus
 4) Neonatal cephalic pustulosis
 5) Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn

 Diagnosis ?

In the given picture, diagnose patients based on their dermatologic presentations. 1) Transient neonatal pustular melanosis 2) Erythema toxicum neonatorum 3) Neonatal lupus erythematosus 4) Neonatal cephalic pustulosis 5) Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn Diagnosis ?

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over 6 years ago

3: Neonatal lupus erythematosus ... maybe not sure !

over 6 years ago

May be neonatal lupus erythematosus or erythema toxicum neonatorum

over 6 years ago


over 6 years ago


over 6 years ago

Neonatal lupus erythematosus

over 6 years ago


over 6 years ago


over 6 years ago

A superhero in training. I eould diagnose Uticaria

over 6 years ago


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